Thursday 15 September 2011

Missing person Balochistan: The real story

Pakistan is under threat due to foreign interference in their policies. The propaganda against their armed forces is done by the foreign funded media. Muslims have a history that we are never defeated by enemies but from a blend of our people and our enemies. From the earlier wars of Islam to the war of 1971 traitors have always being the one who have affected the Ummah the most. 
Today Pakistan is on a very critical stage and each move can make history. Sindh and Balochistan is trying to make their own countries. Karachi is under great threat and the peace of the city is worst than ever. In Balochistan, there was always a community who never accepted the existence of Pakistan. They are only few people and Indian intelligence exploited these people and is using them against Pakistan. They formed a terrorist group known as BALOCHISTAN LIBERATION ARMY. They want to make Balochistan an independent state. Now these people are claiming that their people are missing and their claim is that the army and intelligence is responsible. Now if you look at the background of these people. These were from Balochistan liberation army and was working against Pakistan. So should a government stay calm in this situation offcourse not. So the government did take actions against these people. But what they got they really deserved that. I don't find people suppoting armed forces on that. So why were they supporting Army on LAL MASJID issue? In both cases there were groups who were against the government and were using non-political ways to cause destruction in the country. Pakistan has the best Army in the world and its the only institution of the country which has never let the nation down. So have faith in your army. LONG LIVE PAKISTAN ARMY.

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